Thursday, June 9, 2011

Debugging the Network traffic(Testing whether the HTTP headers going fine or not?)

I was trying to debug the outgoing request headers whether the Accept-Encoding flag is set or not. One way to do that is setting up a proxy server and diverting all the web traffic through that proxy channel. But i don't want to set a proxy server.

After searching in google I found the following tool, its called fiddler, which will display all the web trafic in a details format.

I found it very helpful.

Download link:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Simple command to move all the out put dlls to a specific target

I have been trying to automate the process 'Build sln file and copy all the latest dlls to a specific output folder other than /bin/Debug or /bin/Relase' (Similar to RiskSpan N:\ContinuousBuild). But the problem there was we need the CrusiseControl running continously.

The following command made my life easy to recompile all the projects associated with the sln file and copy to specified output folder (in this case  C:\Users\Anumolu\Desktop\ContinousBuild\).

use VS cmd prompt and goto the project folder where the .sln file is located and run the following command with modified out put folder path.

msbuild   /property:WarningLevel=2;OutDir=C:\Users\Anumolu\Desktop\ContinousBuild\